KNH New Building Project
Welcome in!!!
The new Kununurra Neighbourhood House at 7 Chestnut Avenue is open!
Saturday September 12, 2020 was a momentous occasion for us - we officially opened the doors of our new House!
THANK YOU to Agnes and David for doing the honours and cutting the ribbon and to everyone who joined us to warm the House and fill it with the exceptional energy of this great community.
THANK YOU to Agnes and David for doing the honours and cutting the ribbon and to everyone who joined us to warm the House and fill it with the exceptional energy of this great community.
Special thanks to:
Kathryn Radford for your stamina, positivity and long term vision
Mark Phillips Architect for the welcoming, sustainable and functional design that fits us so well
MGC Building and Maintenance and all the contractors and consultants for executing the plan to such a high degree of excellence
ALL our supporters, donors and sponsors, especially Lotterywest, the State Government of Western Australia and the Kimberley Development Commission, Ord Fuel Supply, Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley, Lions Club of Kununurra, the Gatekeepers, Argyle Diamonds and the Water Corp and Broome Lions Club!
This building project as been led, driven and supported by our community and has been delivered through the strengths and skills of our community. Our local builder employs local people, sub contracts local trades and skills and the building of our new community facility has been a valuable training experience through their local indigenous apprenticeship program.
Upon the generous financial support of Kununurra people and businesses we were granted funds through Lotterywest and the Department of Regional Development's Regional Economic Development Scheme. This incredible support from the State Government of Western Australia enabled us to complete construction of the facility in a single stage - a long imagined and wondrous achievement!
Kununurra Neighbourhood House is a community space for all people in our community.
Please feel welcome to visit and enjoy all it has to offer.
The spirit within this project is why we love living in Kununurra. Local, local, local - together. Warm fuzzies!!!
Kathryn Radford for your stamina, positivity and long term vision
Mark Phillips Architect for the welcoming, sustainable and functional design that fits us so well
MGC Building and Maintenance and all the contractors and consultants for executing the plan to such a high degree of excellence
ALL our supporters, donors and sponsors, especially Lotterywest, the State Government of Western Australia and the Kimberley Development Commission, Ord Fuel Supply, Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley, Lions Club of Kununurra, the Gatekeepers, Argyle Diamonds and the Water Corp and Broome Lions Club!
This building project as been led, driven and supported by our community and has been delivered through the strengths and skills of our community. Our local builder employs local people, sub contracts local trades and skills and the building of our new community facility has been a valuable training experience through their local indigenous apprenticeship program.
Upon the generous financial support of Kununurra people and businesses we were granted funds through Lotterywest and the Department of Regional Development's Regional Economic Development Scheme. This incredible support from the State Government of Western Australia enabled us to complete construction of the facility in a single stage - a long imagined and wondrous achievement!
Kununurra Neighbourhood House is a community space for all people in our community.
Please feel welcome to visit and enjoy all it has to offer.
The spirit within this project is why we love living in Kununurra. Local, local, local - together. Warm fuzzies!!!
House Gardens
THANKYOU Watercorp and Broome Lions Club for the 2019 Kimberley Community Grant - it has helped us towards establishing the gardens in our new facility, including waterwise native gardens.
THANKYOU Watercorp and Broome Lions Club for the 2019 Kimberley Community Grant - it has helped us towards establishing the gardens in our new facility, including waterwise native gardens.

July 29, 2017
A grant of just over $2 million dollars from Lotterywest, towards the construction of the new Neighbourhood House has been announced by the Minister for Regional Development Alannah MacTiernan and local Member for Kimberley Josie Farrer at a playgroup sundowner in Kununurra this weekend.
The mood at the gathering was tinged with excitement.
“When I heard our Lotterywest Grant was successful, I was thrilled! To talk about it makes me all tingly. It's almost unbelievable. This is a Pantene "It-won't-happen-over-night,-but-it-will-happen" project. I was there, 9 years ago, when the Kununurra Neighbourhood House Committee resolved to commit to the development of a new purpose built premises. Nine committees have strived to ensure it-will-happen. And here we are. It's fantastic.
Our Neighbourhood Centre plays such an important role in Kununurra. This long term project is testimony. It's an acknowledgement that our community needs our services now and into the future. Thank you Lotterywest. With your generous support, we are now very close to being able to focus ALL our time and energy back on what we do best, being there for our community.”
Kathryn Radford, KNH Coordinator
Our Vision is becoming reality....
Anyone who has stepped in our front door will agree that we have physically outgrown our Leichhardt Street house, we need more space to run our programs and help our community.
We are very lucky that SWEK (Shire of Wyndham and East Kimberley) has kindly reserved KNH some land on Chestnut Avenue. Local architect Mark Phillips has spent many hours drawing up the designs and preparing the documentation for our new purpose built centre, it's now shovel ready!
(Enormous thankyous to Lotterywest and SWEK for funding the design /documentation stage of this project).
Now the plans are shovel ready, our staff and committee are working hard to source funds to take the next step towards making our dream come true and to see the new Neighbourhood House built.
Find out more information about this exciting project and how you can help us, drop in or call 08 9168 1615 and speak to Kathryn or John.
Where are we at?
A shout from the rooftops!
Thanks to all the incredible support from local businesses and a humungously generous and amazing grant from Lotterywest and we will be able to construct the main part of the new building! Meanwhile KNH continues to grow our Big Vision Fund to provide a supportive place where, together, all people from of all walks of life become the foundations of a stronger, better neighbourhood. Before diving into construction, we are awaiting the outcome of recent funding applications in the hope that we are able to secure all the funds required to build the facility in its entirety, to include a stand alone Creche facility and new home for the Toy and Puzzle Library. Fingers, toes and eyes crossed! |
Thankyou doesn't say enough. The amazing people behind our local businesses are the generous sponsors building our community. You are our FOUNDATION |